Handbags to Diaper Bags

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A poem to good not to repost

I am proud to say that I have successfully nursed to babies for a year- which was my goal. It has been experience I will never forget and am truly blessed to have had this bonding time with my babies. But, I am excited to have my now saggy boobies back!

Ending Friendships
(Heads up- this might be TMI)

To my breast pump-You got me through many o' humps.
Nursing pads, you were my friend,You were my BFF until the end.
And you- Lily Pads,I kept you around until you leaked and made me mad.
And I can't forget you- nursing bras. You stayed around to see it all.
The time has come to say Good-Bye, Don't you worry, I will not cry. (well, i might cry this time)


Maddie has been cracking me up lately. She has come up with the funnies stuff.

Here are a few...
  • It's not a toot if it doesn't stink.
  • I(Maddie) tooted and it smells like Hot Dogs.
  • M-"Daddy, what is Jakey doing" D- "he's flying" M- "Like a G-6?" (a fave song of hers at the moment)
  • I like the Abouna(Priest at church) drink. (Communion wine- she's liking it early)
  • She thinks all burps are caused by Diet Coke (note- she does not drink diet coke)
  • She had a cavity filled (yes, I know she is only 3. but we floss and brush all the time) and wanted to know if she would always get to wear the mask when she went to the dentist. It's the mask for laughing gas.

She has also developed quiet a temper and turns into the devil. When I get the chance, I'll down load the video. She was tired that she pitched a fit for no reason and during this time, I swear her eyes popped out of her head.