Handbags to Diaper Bags

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I need more time to blog again

Things have been crazy in the Bessada house since the last time I blogged.

Where to begin..............

Little Jake is 8 months old. He still won't roll- but enjoys rocking on his knees. He is also a great eater- nurses like a champ and eats anything he can put in his mouth. 6 weeks into his helmet wearing. He's doing great and hopefully only has 6 more weeks left. The helmet is a not only great for head reshaping, but great protection from- knocking his head on the floor, flying objects thrown, and Maddie. But, let me tell you----Jake's head smells like feet when the helmet is off.

Cute Jakey story-
Jake had his first playdate today with his friends. Two little girls- 5 months and 9 months and really cute. An hour into playing and eating snacks, Jake wants to nurse, then fell asleep for the rest of his playdate until the girls had to leave.

Now on to Maddie. Just saying Maddie should be enough. But she is such a big girl. Loves school and always come home with an art project or new song to sing. Beginning to recognize her letter and numbers. Super excited about Christmas. She has asked Santa for 3 things- Squinkies, Ice Cream Play-Doh and a Camera. We'll see what Santa brings.

Cute Maddie story- Some people do Elf on a Shelf. Well, he is scary as hell to me. But Santa is always watching Maddie in our house. And I am probably going to hell for this one day- but we told Maddie that the green light in the smoke detectors where cameras straight to Santa. When she does something good or bad she will go talk to it. (and yes, I have this on camera)So cute!


  1. Two things:

    1. What's a Squinkie,and why don't I already have one?

    2. What kind of sick a-hole tells thier kid that the smoke detector is Santa's camera? Oh, wait. You did that? Never mind.

  2. LA- the camera is so much better that the scary ELF ON A SHELF.
