Handbags to Diaper Bags

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Just eating a sandwich with Maddie. (yes, i know it is only 1000am, but i'm pregnant and it sounded good)

Maddie started peeling off the crust. So I begin to think, "ok, maddie isn't a crust eater"

Well, I help her out and peel the crust.

Maddie then picks up the crust, eats it and walks away. I eat the rest of her crust-less sandwich. We are a perfect match.

I thought it was the crust that people didn't like.

Well, she is half Daniel's child.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I don't think I've experienced privacy in the bathroom with Maddie since she has been born. ( i do close the door when Daniel is around)

We have been Potty Training for 3 weeks and she has decided that she needs to close door for privacy.


Friday, January 8, 2010


Just wanted to take some time to chat about Maddie...............................

She amuses me everyday. I never know what she'll do or say these days.

  • Poop and Pee- is on of her favorite things to talk about and it seems it is always at dinner time.
  • Living with her Maddie is like living in a musical. I never what song she'll bust out belching out. Right now Annie is a favorite and "I love you Tomorrow" is sung all the time. I'm trying to get this on video, but she quits once she see me.
  • Salad- she would eat it everyday. All separate and nothing mixed. (she gets this from her Daddy)Mad will be a vegetarian one day.
  • Random conversation with family member that aren't here or on the phone with her. She is very bossy with them on the phone. (don't know where she got the bossy/sassiness from).
  • Dresses- she is going through a dress phase. Wants to wear on everyday and thinks it need to be accessorized by her pink cowboy boots.
  • New favorite Disney Princess- Tiana.
  • Daddy can't tell her "no" and she knows it. If I say "no" she runs to Daddy.
  • Baby Brother- she knows something is going on and is very curious. She likes to talk to my belly button and listen to the heart beat. She likes looking through is clothes and toys. We'll she how she does once JD is here.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holiday Recap

FYI- this is going to be long- like a really bad run on sentence.

Christmas Season 2009 in the Bessada House- was AWESOME!!!! ( and I'm glad it is over)

Maddie was so much fun and excited about everything. She loved the lights, the songs, the visits with family, the presents and all the yummy Christmas treats (the treats were my favorite part). Mad became really good at singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Jingle Bells. She is still singing theses songs and doesn't understand that Christmas is over and Santa is broke. Her favorite presents were her light-up Cindrella high-heels (thanks, Mattie) and her battery operated blue car (thanks Uncle Kris)
We begun potty training over the Break. Maddie is a rock star and has caught on very good. We still have accidents during the day- but she is going on her own and pretty regularly. She likes to change her big girl panties five thousand times a day. Thank God, we have a lot. But Mommy feel like she has to do a special load of wash every few days to make sure we enough big girl panties to go around. I love to hear her ask Daniel if he wears Big Girl Panties and to hear her response. She gets mad when he says "No". Then she asks if he wears Big BOY Panties.

Daniel and I also got to enjoy the holidays. We just really enjoyed our time with family and friends. But, he got me the most amazing gift. My Shark Steam Cleaner. It is awesome and everyone should own one. It is exactly what my OCD/clean-freak self needed. (yes, people. I can admit it)

New Years Eve- what a way to ring in the New Year. We went to a friend's party. Maddie came along to have a slumber party with her future husband. She was a booger and won't go to sleep. So I feel like me and Daniel missed 1/2 the party. But, we did get to ring in the New Year together. Oh- being sober sucked. I'm a fun drunk- people. Maybe next year.......

Jake Daniel- is now longer being neglected. The Holidays are over and now to concentrate on him. I made my first purchase for him on New Year's Day. He now has non-girly bedding. I like it and am ready to get the room painted. He also has some cute outfits that I have purchased. My friend, Molly, has helped me realize that boy clothing doesn't have to be boring or gay. Molly has great taste. She has given Jake Daniel a ton of cute, cute stuff. Daniel still can't get over the Snowman Vans. I don't even know why I'm buying him clothes. Between Molly, my sister, sister-in-law and other hand me downs- this kid is going to be styling.
Daniel and I getting really excited about Jake Daniel. Daniel gave me the weekly countdown yesterday and it freaked me out. But, I took some deep breaths and will be fine.

Pregnancy update- I feel huge. I don't remember being this big at this point with Maddie. It's all belly. He is carrying low and killing my back. Craving have been crazy. I have eaten so many Clementines and Strawberries in the last few weeks. I can't enough Diet Coke. I don't want ice water except at night time when I'm going to bed. French fries are still my friend. I love all the salty varieties. Feta cheese and pita bread- Yummy!!!! I can eat this everyday. Hot stuff- bring it on. This Hot Momma wants it HOT!!!!! Maddie loves singing to the baby and telling him secrets. (Daniel and I realized along time ago that Maddie is smarter than us. Now we are about to have 2 that are smarter than us)

Told you this would be long and all over the board. Enjoy!!!!