Handbags to Diaper Bags

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My new Toy

I have wanted a new camera for a while, but couldn't justify buying one since mine still worked. Well, it broke- or should I say- Maddie broke it. And I whined enough to Daniel that he gave in and bought me the Mac Daddy Camera I have been wanting for awhile now.

I love the camera but have no idea how to use it. OK, I do know how to use it. But I want to know how to use everything that it offers . I don't want to have to pay anyone to take pictures any more.
Here is one of my favorites that I have recently taken:

I take my first class in a few weeks and can't wait to see my results and progress.


  1. Great picture! And I think it's hilarious that she put her fork in her diaper. She's very creative :-).

  2. Can't wait to see more pictures!
