Handbags to Diaper Bags

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Recent Observations

I love my 2 little ones.

But boy, the Girl is killing me. ( by laughter and by my nerves)

  • She talks non-stop. From the time she wakes up to the time she goes to bed. And in between, she is crying.
  • She is always wanting something. "Mommy, I want somefin" (her version of "something")
  • Has a date with Daniel this Saturday. We asked her where she wanted to go. "I want to go to the Gas Station (RaceTrac) to get a blue icee for me and a coffee for Mommy" It's the little things.
  • Loves Mommy and Maddie time. (this is what we call our dates) She'll look at me with those big brown eyes and ask for some time alone with Mommy. How can I say no to that?
  • The question asking. It never stops. "Where you going? Whatcha got? Whatcha doing?" I could keep on going.
  • Pesty- she is so going to be the pesty big sister. She loves to be pesty to test her limits. I put a stop this and she goes in "Time Out" I have a feeling she is going to spend the rest of her being 2 in Time Out.

The Boy

  • Is sweet as a button. A true cuddler. I could hold him for hours and he would let me.
  • Will sit and laugh at nothing forever. He is quiet the silent jokester. Jake makes me laugh by watching him laugh. Maybe he is practicing his fake laugh for when his Daddy tells one of his bad jokes.
  • I think he has taken a hiatus from his growing spurt. It was constant nursing for about 2 months straight. We were wishing for a Quarterback, but think we are getting a Linebacker.
  • He doesn't look like Daniel's Dad. Daniel will even vouch for this. So quit saying it people. Jake looks like Daddy- but we are seeing a little of my side in him. (not alot a little)
  • Did I say he loves to laugh?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Sweet Boy

A few things about this sweet little boy at 2 months old........................

  • Jake's a big boy. He's outgrowing all of his clothes. Thank God for hand-me-downs.
  • He likes to eat or thinks I'm his human pacifier. (I do like the fact that he is quick. Eat and run)
  • He's also very white. (no, i'm not kidding) And yes, he mine and Daniel's kids. His skin and hair are beginning to darken- alittle.
  • Jake will sleep through the night maybe 3 nights a week and wake up once the other 4 days. The nights he wakes up, he forgets to give me an invitation to the party.
  • Night owl. I can try to get him down for bed starting at 8:30. But, the booger won't fall asleep until 10:00. I'm going to keep going with the 8:30 and he will eventually figure it out.
  • Jake is a super cuddler. Maddie WAS sweet but not much on cuddling. But, Jake, he is a lover boy.
  • Loves Maddie singing Patty Cake to him. It's sweet, he always coos and smiles at her.
  • He has a wee-wee and knows how to use it. I have been peed on multiple times already. (But, not on Daniel. I think Daniel threatened his life.)
  • Finally (and he'll kill me for this one day)- he has gas that will bring tears to your eyes. I never knew a baby could do this.

To all my friends with only one child......

I promise to not ask when you plan on having the next one- due to my experiences of last week.

**a side note the weekend was great. With the exception of the break down at church, pointing her finger and telling me "No, No, No" and sticking her tongue out at me because I put her in time out. I'm glad Daniel got to experience it and make the beer run for me this weekend.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Becoming THAT Mom

I always knew I'd have a "That Mom" moment. I'm sure I have had alot in my 2 years and 9 months as being a Mommy. But, today I was a day that I called myself out on it.

Let me tell you how it went.................

Had to go to Target to pick up Jake's reflux medicine (after today's episode with Maddie, I know why he has it, I'd have it too) I also had to pick up a bag of chips for dinner. (Daniel decided to eat an almost whole bag of chips by himself last night. This is a whole other story.)

Getting the kids out of the car-
I decided to Baby Bjorn Jake and push Maddie in the cart. Maddie objected because she wanted to be in the big cart. I said "No" to this. I hate the big cart- it is too big and too long. This was the mini-fit. This also should have been my red-flag that this wasn't going to fun.

I walk up to the pharmacy and it is closed for lunch. I have 15 minutes until it opens. What to do? If I stroll in the store, I end up buying crap I don't need. I ended up walking the perimeter of the store and not wondering off my path. At the end of the stroll, I get to the chip isle. (Jake at dangling in the Bjorn, asleep. Maddie is asking for a billion things, which I have tuned out) I am nice and let Maddie help pick out the chips. Then she wants to hold them- Bad idea. I didn't want crushed chips for dinner.

This begins the meltdown. Maddie is crying hysterically. The ugly cries- when you gasp for air cries. The cries turn into screams as I walk to the pharmacy-which is not a far walk. People are looking at me. I can't get her to quit. She has now started the bucking of her body. I just know that any minute she is going to end up on the floor with a bloody head. (Note- Jake is still asleep or faking it because he is embarrassed) I get the pharmacy and you guessed it- it wasn't ready. So, I have to wait and I decided to take my screaming kid and make a pit stop. Maddie is still screaming while I'm doing this. I'm apologizing to everyone in the pharmacy, but they can't hear me over Maddie. The pharmacist is trying to make me feel better by telling me her son had a fit yesterday over one green lego. The guy checking me out is trying to be nice- but I know he is thinking , "Please the hell out of her lady and take that brat with you."

So all said and done- I have become THAT mom with the screaming kid. I know this won't be the last time and I'm fine with that.

Oh- curious on the pitstop in the store- It was to get me a Mommy Juice Box. Thank you Target for carrying boxes of wine.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I miss

I miss blogging. I will get back to it soon.

I should really post the 3 half written blogs, I have attempted to finish since having Jake.