Handbags to Diaper Bags

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Addition

Jake Daniel is here and is perfect.

(Yes, he looks like his father, but I also see some of me and my side in him. In other words, if I hear one more freakin Egyptian say he looks like his Giddy (grandfather) I'm going to scream. I think Egyptians forget that there is a mother involved in the baby making process and everything doesn't revolve with the Daddy's side of the family. Now- I'm off my high horse.)

The delivery was crazy and so simple.

I walked into the OR at 1150. Dr. came in at 1200. Daniel walked in at 1210 and JD was screaming at 1214. It was all so quick.

Back to Jack Daniel......

I thought this boy was going to be a longer nurser. But, over the last few days he has turned into Maddie and is a quick, frequent snacker- once I get him on. For some reason, the boy thinks I am his person play toy until he is ready to latch on.
He seems to be pretty laid back, I guess he has to be with Maddie as a Big Sister.
I love him and am glad he is finally here.


  1. Welcome to the world, Jake Daniel! We waited so long for you!!!

  2. LMBO...that's all you will hear once you take him to church..I'm hoping they'll stop saying it about Mal now and it can be all yours for a while Sorry :-)Lots of the people at church call Malak little George.

  3. a- i;m gonna look at them and tell them i dont think so. jd is looking like my dad with lot of his expessions. i've always thought malak favored your side of the family.

  4. I might be able to be convinced that Jake Daniel looks a bit like George (if I squint my eyes and turn my head and focus just on his cheeks - a newborn can pretty much look like everyone), but Malak? No way does he resemble George.
