Handbags to Diaper Bags

Monday, March 29, 2010

1 week today!!!!

Too cute- but Daniel just got extra excited this morning. He said, " One Week and we can meet our Boy" I think the idea of having a son has really sunk into his head.

I woke up this morning- thinking "God, I slept like crap. I wish I would re-do the night."It was a night of not being able to breathe.

Boys- Daniel and I are takers on advice. I'm still in frilly girl mode. Daniel is just now figuring out little girls and has to switch to learning little boys. You would think the boys would be easier for him, but it's not. He thinks JD will come out as starting QB football.

So, guys, here is your chance to spill out the advice.


  1. Boys are the ones with outside plumbing.

    Hope that helps!

  2. LA got it right that's about the only difference for the first few years. You love them just the same and sometimes he might play with Maddie's dress up clothes and you will have to assure Daniel that this is fine ;D I already gave you the one big thing no one told me..have a stock of vaseline.

    Now I'm starting to notice how we have to be careful rough housing with Mal b/c he thinks he can do it to every one else. He's super strong and can knock Jorja over with a small shove.

    I think it's hilarious that Bessada Dad's seem to think their sons will play football..do they remember how small they were in high school. Unless Mal takes after my side of the family there is no chance..well there's always punting.

    I truly didn't understand why my Mom was so upset when Scotty got married but didn't shed the first tear on my wedding day. Then I had Malak and about three months in it hit me one day. One day he will have a wife and she will have to be the most important person in his life. I cried for an hour b/c Mommy doesn't know how she will ever be able to share her boy.

    This is now the longest comment ever. Can't wait to meet my nephew.

  3. I forgot something really important. ALWAYS point the plumbing down :-)
