Handbags to Diaper Bags

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pregnancy update............

Latest Cravings:

Fried Peach Pies from the Varsity
Diet Pepsi (I am so ashamed to admit this)
Apple- Red Delicious (These are not normally the apples I buy)
Chocolate anything
Spicy things, still. The hotter, the better.
Cereal- any kind, any time of the day.
Cucumber- I de-seed them, so I don't get gas.
Hummus (Sabra only)and Pita Bread
Chicken Biscuits
Massages (thank God, my place is affordable)

Aches and Pains-

My bum and the pressure. I think he is going to fall out of it. (Thank you ladies for reminding me to use the yoga ball. It has helped a ton)
My back- I cant' get comfortable for anything. I have to changes positions sleeping at night or a get a cramp in my back or I moan so loud it bothers Daniel.
Breathing is over-rated. I really don't mind feeling like I'm going to suffocate.
Constant moving- this kid is sooo active. He moves all the freaking time, except at meal time.

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